
Contact information

3-39 West Saint-Pierre Blvd
Caraquet, NB  E1W 1B6 CANADA

+ 1 506 727-4008

+ 1 844 727-4008



Written communication

Written Communication Certification in Legal English or French

Number of tests: 2

Testing delay
Tests must be passed within 60 days following registration

Certification expiry date
Two (2) years following the issue date

Reading Test

The RT assesses written comprehension in Legal English or French.

The test consists of several excerpts of written legal documents and a series of questions related to each passage. It must be completed in two hours.

 Please note that the test is intended as a tool to assess written comprehension and not written competency.

Writing Test

The WT assesses written expression in Legal English or French.

The test must be completed in two hours and consists of a legal document to be read in the preferred language of communication of the candidate, text from which some questions leading to a written essay in the language to be evaluated.

Please note that this test is designed to evaluate written competency (grammar, spelling, syntax and vocabulary).